The following document provides background information on the LWAYVE platform as well as provides setup and usage instructions for the LWAYVE SDK for iOS. The content in this document is divided into the following sections:

Section 1: Introducing LWAYVE and Contextual Audio Experiences


LWAYVE is an audio platform that provides event attendees with Contextual Audio Experiences and can be embedded to augment any mobile application. A Contextual Audio Experience serves as a personalized audio guide making any event as engaging, easy, and enjoyable as possible.

Contextual Audio Experiences deliver optimal audio to a Listener based on their current context:

  • Time
  • Location
  • User likes
  • Breaking information about and around the event

Contextual Audio Experiences are:

  • Contextual. The audio in a Contextual Audio Experience will be different for each user at the event based on their time, location, user likes, and situation.
  • Choreographed. Contextual Audio Experiences are carefully choreographed and curated to ensure the highest quality audio experience for the event.
  • Integrated. The LWAYVE platform can be integrated into any mobile application on the most popular mobile devices and requires minimal interaction on the part of the Listener.
  • Measured. The usage data collected with LWAYVE allows Customers to measure the impact of the audio advertising on a Listener’s actions and then optimize the Contextual Audio Experience accordingly.

Who are the Players?

There are six main players with roles in the LWAYVE platform.

  • Developers: A Developer integrates the LWAYVE platform into the mobile application. By integrating LWAYVE, the mobile application will contain a Play button which Listeners can tap to get a Contextual Audio Experience based on time, location, and user likes.
  • Experience Designer: An Experience Designer choreographs the Contextual Audio Experience and sources the content. An Experience Designer essentially builds a Conextual Audio Experience based on an event (e.g., music festival). The Contextual Audio Experience contains audio that will be passed to the Listener based on their time, location, and user likes. For example, an Experience Designer for a music festival may choose to have Listeners hear traffic information on their way to the event and stage schedules while at the event.
  • Listener: The end-user that enjoys a high-value, personalized Contextual Audio Experience based on their time, location, and user likes. The Listener hears the Contextual Audio Experience by tapping a Play button on the mobile application.
  • Experience Conductor: An Experience Conductor is the eyes and ears on the ground at an event. Experience Conductors control the situational audio in a Contextual Audio Experience and make adjustments based on real-time information. For example, at a music festival, if the concert that was originally scheduled for 9:00pm has been moved to 10:00pm, the Experience Conductor can adjust the Contextual Audio Experience accordingly.
  • Customer: The company or individual that has purchased LWAYVE to implement Contextual Audio Experiences. LWAYVE is integrated into the Customer’s mobile application in order to provide Listeners with Contextual Audio Experiences.
  • Administrator: The overall LWAYVE platform is managed by Lixar; however, Customers manage their own Contextual Audio Experiences and user roles.

What are the Components of the LWAYVE Platform?

The components to LWAYVE can be divided into the following main categories: Mobile SDKs, Customer Mobile Application, LWAYVE Service, and optionally, ProxSee Service.

Mobile SDKs

As part of their role, Developers integrate the following two SDKS into the mobile application:

  • LWAYVE SDK: The LWAYVE SDK handles location (with the help of the ProxSee SDK), time, and contextual audio parameters.
  • ProxSee SDK: The ProxSee SDK passes location tags to the LWAYVE SDK. For full information on the ProxSee SDK, refer to https://github.com/proxsee.

Customer Mobile Application

  • Customer Mobile Application: This is the mobile application in which the LWAYVE and ProxSee SDKs will be integrated. By integrating the SDKs, a simple LWAYVE Play button will appear in the mobile application. All Listeners need to do is tap the Play button to start their Contextual Audio Experience.

Experience Service and Contextual Audio Experience

  • Experience Service: This is the backend platform on which the Experience Designer creates a Contextual Audio Experience.
  • Contextual Audio Experience: This is the content created on the Experience Service.
    • Curated Audio: This is the audio that has been gathered by the Experience Designer during the initial planning and design stages. This audio is planned around a Listener’s time, location, and user likes. For example, for a music festival, the Experience Designer might create curated audio based on the performance schedule.
    • Situational Audio: This is audio that is gathered by the Experience Conductor on the ground at the event. For example, at a music festival, sudden unpredicted weather changes may prompt the Experience Conductor to create situational audio for safety precautions due to inclement weather (e.g., advising Listeners to take shelter).
    • Time: The Contextual Audio Experience will provide the Listener with different content depending on the time. For example, at a music festival, at 4:00pm when the gates open, the audio may be related to entrance lineups and at 8:00pm the audio may be related to the concert schedule.
    • Location: The Contextual Audio Experience will differ depending on the location of the Listener. For example, if the Listener is standing next to the food tent, the audio may be related to menu items and meal specials.
    • User Likes: These are settings set by the Listener in the Customer mobile application.

How Does LWAYVE Work?

The following image depicts the high-level LWAYVE Contextual Audio Experience workflow:

Communication Diagram

Section 2: Implementing the LWAYVE and ProxSee SDKs in an iOS Project

Incorporating the LWAYVE and ProxSee SDKs in your iOS project is a simple process:

  1. Add the LWAYVE SDK (and optionally the ProxSee SDK) as Dependencies
  2. Configure Application Background Modes
  3. Set Up Push Notifications
  4. Initialize the LWAYVE (and optionally ProxSee SDKs)
  5. Set Up Branded Playback Control


The instructions have been provided below with the following assumptions:

  • A Customer-specific environment has been provisioned
  • An Authorization token has been provided
  • A ProxSee API key has been provided
  • An Experience Designer has created a Contextual Audio Experience and uploaded it for your environment. Alternatively, a Sample Lixar Experience has been uploaded for your environment.
  • The corresponding audio files for the Contextual Audio Experience have been uploaded to your environment
  • If ProxSee services are being used, Location tags needed for the LWAYVE Contextual Audio Experience have been defined within the ProxSee environment

Add the LWAYVE SDK (and optionally the ProxSee SDK) as Dependencies

The first step in setting up LWAYVE is to add both the LWAYVE SDK and the ProxSee SDK as dependencies in your iOS project. The LWAYVE SDK handles the time, location, and audio of the Contextual Audio Experience. The ProxSee SDK passes the location tags to the LWAYVE SDK so that the LWAYVE SDK can complete the location aspect of the Contextual Audio Experience.

Using CocoaPods (recomended)

You can get the LWAYVE and ProxSee SDKs for iOS on Cocoapods:

In order to add and manage the LWAYVE and ProxSee SDKs as dependencies in your iOS project, you must first install CocoaPods.

$ gem install cocoapods

In your iOS project, create a file named Podfile.

In your Podfile, add the LWAYVE dependency.

pod 'LwayveSDK'

(Optional) Add the ProxSee depedency.

pod 'LwayveSDK/ProxSee'

Run the install command.

$ pod install

Please use this approach only if you have strict requirements not to use CocoaPods, as this method is more difficult and error prone.

  1. Add LwayveSDK.framework to the Embedded Binaries section of your application. The latest version of the framework is available at https://github.com/LWAYVE/ios-sdk/releases.
  2. Integrate other third-party dependencies manually:

    Pre-built dependencies can be found by the link: https://github.com/LWAYVE/ios-lwayve-prebuilt-dependencies

Configure Application Background Modes

The following application background modes for the LWAYVE SDK must be configured:

  • audio: Allows your application to play audio or stream audio/video using AirPlay.
  • remote-notification: Allows your application to receive and handle push notifications in the background.

To configure the above application modes in your application, add the following to your application plist:


Add Plist Values

The following plist values are required by the Lwayve SDK.

  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription: Required for user generated audio

(Optional) Refer to https://github.com/proxsee/sdk-ios#add-the-proxsee-sdk-to-your-ios-project for plist values needed for ProxSee.

Set Up Push Notifications

Push notifications are used to notify the SDK of experience updates and situational audio.

The push notifications will be handled by the SDK. Here is an example push notification payload.

  "event": "experience.updated",
  "aps": {
    "content-available": 1
  "experience_id": 194950

Enable Push Notifications

To enable push notifications for your application, please refer to Enable push notifications from the Apple Documentation.

Generate Authentication Token

To allow push notifications, an APNs key (.p8) must be provided to Lixar. Please refer to the Communicate with APNs using authentication tokens from the Apple Documentation.

NOTE: It is recommended that only APNs is enabled for this key.

Initialize the LWAYVE (and optionally ProxSee SDKs)

The next step is to initialize (launch) the LWAYVE SDK.

Initialize the LWAYVE SDK

When initializing the LWAYVE SDK, you need to pass the Authentication token provided to you by Lixar.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

  // Create the configuration used for the LWAYVE SDK.
  let configuration = LwayveSDKConfiguration(baseURL: URL(string: settings.value(forSetting: .BaseURL)),
  authenticationToken: settings.value(forSetting: .AuthenticationKey))

  // Set the delegate before calling LwayveSDK.sharedSDK.initialize to be able to receive lwayveSDK(didInit:) callback
  LwayveSDK.sharedSDK.add(delegate: self)

  // Attempt to initialize the LWAYVE SDK using the configuration values.
  // This may fail if the SDK is already initialized, the persistent storage cannot be created, or if an empty authenticationToken is provided.
  do {
    try LwayveSDK.sharedSDK.initialize(configuration: configuration)
  } catch {
    NSLog("LwayveSDK initialization error: \(error)")

  // Pass the launch options to the LWAYVE SDK.
  // The launch options are used by the SDK to retrieve any relevant notification information.
  LwayveSDK.sharedSDK.handleApplication(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)

  return true

// ...

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
  // Pass the notification data to the LWAYVE SDK so that it can process any information relevant to it.
  LwayveSDK.sharedSDK.handleApplication(application, didReceiveRemoteNotification: userInfo, fetchCompletionHandler: completionHandler)

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
  // Pass the device token to the Lwayve SDK
  LwayveSDK.sharedSDK.handleApplication(application, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: deviceToken)

(Optional) To initialize Lwayve with ProxSee, import Lwayve with ProxSee and replace the initialize method.

import LwayveSDK


do {
  try LwayveSDK.sharedSDK.initializeWithProxSee(configuration: configuration)
} catch {
  NSLog("LwayveSDK initialization error: \(error)")

Set Up Branded Playback Control

LwayvePlaybackControlView can be used to provide all of the required UI for the LWAYVE SDK. It provides Play, Skip, and Rewind actions as well as an indication of playback status.

LwayvePlaybackControlView is a subclass of UIView. It can be used with or without Storyboard or Xib.

With Storyboard or Xib

To add LwayvePlaybackControlView using Storyboard or Xib:

  1. Add a view
  2. Set the view class to LwayvePlaybackControlView.
  3. Set the module to LwaveSDK.
  4. Create an IBOutlet to the view.
  5. Assign an SDK instance to the LwayvePlaybackControlView.lwayveSDK property (e.g., self.playbackControl.lwayveSDK = LwayveSDK.sharedSDK).

From Code

To add LwayvePlaybackControlView from code:

  1. Create an instance of LwayvePlaybackControlView(e.g., let playbackControl = LwayvePlaybackControlView(frame: frame)).
  2. Assign an SDK instance to the LwayvePlaybackControlView.lwayveSDK property (e.g., playbackControl.lwayveSDK = LwayveSDK.sharedSDK).
  3. Add the view to your super view.

Provide localizable strings for additional languages (optional)

The Branded Playback Control displays some UI controls and alerts with text which may require localization. Current version already contains translations for French and Spanish. The fallback language is English.

If you want the Lwayve SDK Branded Playback Control to support additional languages, you can provide your own translations. To do this you need to add keys to your app Localizable.strings or Localizable.stringsdic file. The full list of keys is available in the file Localizable.strings.

See also PlaybackControlSampleApplication

Section 3: Testing LWAYVE


You can test LWAYVE by using the API documented on Swagger. You can access Swagger through the following URL:


LWAYVE SDK Reference

For LWAYVE SDK reference information (e.g., classes, global variables, enums, protocols, and structs) refer to https://lwayve.github.io/ios/docs/api_docs/Classes.html.

Section 4: Clip Contextual Actions

Each audio clip may be accompanied by supplementary actions related to the clip, e.g. open web page, open map, share, etc. LWAYVE provides 5 default icons and text:

  1. Tickets - This can be a URL to a website where the listener can find tickets for the artist that is playing, or the festival event.
  2. Map - This can be used as a google maps location for the artist show, point of interest, or sponsor location
  3. Link - A relevant link for the audio that is playing
  4. Share - A string that can used for the listener sharing over social media.
  5. Hotel - A URL for a hotel near the event that the artist is playing at

Clip Contextual Action with Branded Playback Control

The actions are rendered by the LWAYVE Branded Playback Control (see also Set Up Branded Playback Control). They can be accessed from the Outer Band when a user does a long press or a swipe down gesture on the play button.

Appearance customization

The default icons and text resources used in the LWAYVE Branded Playback Control’s Outer Band can be overridden if desired. The overridden values will apply for all audio clips in the experience. See also : API and Code sample

Audio Recording Action

Audio Recording Action is the 6th optional action. It provides users a way to record their own short recording and submit this for consideration in the experience playlist.

Clip Contextual Action without Branded Playback Control

If you want to use LWAYVE service without using the Branded Playback Control you still can access the clip contextual actions using following API:

Access to currently playing audio clips


Retreive clip actions UI info


Perform a clip action


Audio record upload action


See also Code Sample

Section 5: Apple Music

Lwayve SDK now has the capability to play Apple Music with minimum configuration requirements.


The only thing needed is to add to your app’s info.plist file a new key NSAppleMusicUsageDescription with a description for the user informing him/her why the permission is required.

<string>We need permission to access your apple music in order for us to play apple music songs.</string>